As a busy mom, I utilize my crock pot multiple times per week. During the school year it is a huge time saver. In the summer there are just as many reasons to use it (not to mention "menu plan"!). So, why not for Ethiopian food?
Here is my Crock Pot Doro Wat. (In fact, my Ethiopian son just came in, lifted the lid of the crock pot and said "I don't think I can wait for dinner! I want some NOW!" :)
Crock Pot Doro Wat (Spicy Chicken Stew with Hard Boiled Egg)
1 bag boneless, skinless frozen chicken
1 bag frozen, chopped onion
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
4-6 tablespoons bere bere (if you're new or sensitive to spicy-ness, you may want to start with 2)
2 tablespoons margarine or butter
1 tablespoon cardamom
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1/2 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon black pepper
5-6 hardboiled eggs
sea salt to taste
Thaw the chicken, then stir all the ingredients together in the crock pot.
After about 5 hours on "low" setting, or whenever the chicken is cooked, use a fork to shred it into bite-sized pieces that will be easily picked up when eaten with injera.
Add a few hard boiled eggs which have been pierced with a fork. OR, you can slice them up. I don't want the whole thing to get too "eggy" so I just put them whole and we cut them when we serve it, or half them on our plates.
Today I added my version of Chickpea Paste ("But-etcha") My VERY simple version. I cooked some chickpeas over the weekend, but you can also use canned.
Once the chicken mixture is cooked, spoon some of the sauce into the chickpeas with a little water.
Use the Braun or the blender to mix it all up into a yummy and nutritious paste.
Tonight I also served it with "ayb" (cottage cheese... nice with spicy food, especially on a hot night) as well as some English peas. It turned out betam konjo!
Let me know how yours turns out, or post your modifications in the comments. I love learning how other people do it!