"How great is Your goodness,
Which You have stored up for those who fear You,
Which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You..."
Psalm 31:10
Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a good week!
I have loved my time in God's Word this week. Following the method I shared this past summer, I am now in the book of Matthew and spent this week marking chapter 6. As I read this chapter, the first thing I marked were the verses that describe God. (I always look first for what a passage tells me about God before moving on to what it says concerning me.) So, this week I've been reflecting on and being so very thankful for these truths about our unchanging God.
I'm thankful that...
- God is my Father. In this chapter Jesus repeatedly refers to Him as "your Father." I'm so glad He emphasizes that. I need to remember that.
- He is in heaven. (v. 1) He is in His rightful place. He is on His throne.
- He sees what is done in secret (v. 4) There is such freedom in knowing that He knows. He knows.
- He will reward me (v. 4) He will. I need not concern myself with the form that reward will take, but I can know that it is coming.
- He knows what I need before I ask Him. (v. 8) Not just what I want but what I truly need.
- He will forgive me (v. 14). He enables me to forgive others and offers that blessed forgiveness to me. What a thought!
- He is in secret (v. 18). His word says not only that He sees what is done in secret, but that He is in secret. He is there.
- He clothes the grass of the field (v. 30) and how that reminds me that He will clothe me as well.
- He knows that I need all "these things" (v. 32) He knows my true needs and is poised to meet them each day.
I have found such peace, stability and quietness of mind throughout each day when I stop and periodically focus on what is true about God. He never changes, and for that I am most thankful.
To read more Thankful Thursday posts or to link your own, visit Laurel Wreath, our sweet hostess for today. Have a terrific Thursday!