First, I must say that before I had a blog, I never came home and took pictures of my purchases. But, I know you'd do the same for me... ;)

And, have you seen all of the Crayola Total Tools? Talk about fun! My son got the talking ruler (which really works great), the erasable highlighters, the Ultimate Cutter (which ultimately cuts into counter tops, I've discovered...), glue roller (very cool), and the staple-free stapler.

Those, plus this airplane that's a ruler, pen, and a bookmark have begun to start to initiate the process of getting him in the mood for back-to-school.

In the dollar section I picked up some "Build-a-Story Flip books" that we thought were fun. There are different sections of sentences that "flip" together to make nonsense topics for writing, like... "Imagine you are on your way to school and you find... a shoe... that can leap over mountains." or "What would you serve for dinner if your visitor was... a hippo.... that could sing rap music?" or "What if a king... wrote a famous speech... while perched on a cliff on the side of Mt. Everest?" Kyle and I made up stories for most of the afternoon using those. And they were a dollar! And I didn't have to make them!

I also picked up one of these to go by our calendar in the kitchen. I like the main family calendar, but sometimes I just need to focus on the week at hand!
Oh, and as a public service, I will just tell you do not buy this paper shredder in your Target back-to-school section.

Today I'm cooking Mexican food for my parents, brother, nieces and nephew who will be coming over tonight to celebrate my Mom's birthday. I can't wait to see everyone! In a bit I'm going to go work in the Awana office for awhile. Friday is officially "Awana Day" around here for me each week. It's starting in just a few weeks, and there's lots to be done!
I don't watch the news at all, really (it's not good for my stress level) but yesterday I turned it on to get a glimpse of the Minneapolis situation. It seems so trivial to post pictures of what I bought at Target and talk about little details of my week, when others are going through such an unspeakable tragedy. My prayers go out to all involved, whose families were touched by this and who are in the ongoing recovery efforts at the bridge. I can't imagine. I know you're praying, too.
Well, if you've made it this far, thank you! Have a blessed day and weekend!
We just got back from Target ourselves! Although it's not a Super Target! I stocked up on some fun school supplies since it's tax-free weekend here.
Love the little chairs you got--great idea! And I also love the week calendar--I know what you mean by only focusing on the week at hand!!
Have fun with your family!
Sounds like a profitable (for both you and Target) shopping time!!! I love all those back-to-school products, but we don't have anyone in our house to buy them for any more. Whenever we go visit the grandkids I get to play with all the new gadgets they have. I had no idea how many crayola crayon colors there are now. My grandson had a box of nearly 100. Heaven!! I sat and colored pictures because I just wanted to use all those gorgeous new colors.
I love notebooks and pens - anything to do with writing. I think I make take myself off to Target!
We're praying for all those touched by that awful tragedy too. Isn't it breath-taking how quickly life can change?
Have a great weekend Cyndi.
Oh, you just did my shopping for me!!!
I have those chairs (in pink, ofcourse) and my girls LOVE them. You'll enjoy that.
I need the pan, the paper shredder and those are cute school supplies you mentioned....
Now, I still have to find me a Super Target. I'll go shopping for that :)
Have a great weekend, Cyndi!
Oh I love Super Target!! I have one of those pans on my 'wish list'..for when I decide to cook again ;)
No Target here. Maybe that's a good thing. ;v)
Love those chairs. I couldn't have resisted those either.
I don't have a super target! I'm feeling very un-cool right now.
love the chairs, I've been eyeing those for my son's room, all the bible college boys congregate in there to play wii...more seating is for sure needed.
how big is the white board??
sounds like you went and and triumphed!
I just love Target and can't wait to go home to visit ~ and to Target of course! I have to check out the Crayola products you purchased too! Hope you had a yummy dinner with your family! We love Mexican food too!
I like your menu planning. It is practical. Alot of times I think we forget to add that leftover day in there.
how did you get the verse of the day on your blog?
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