Tuesday, May 01, 2007

"There's That Chicken!"

"Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His godly ones." Psalm 116:15

Yesterday were doing school on the back porch when our "happy Monday" was shattered by the news of the death of our dear, dear friend in Ghana, Dr. Sam. We were so very blessed to have him in our lives for a season, and to have him here in our home just a few months ago. I am reposting what I wrote after his visit, and pray you will be blessed. We miss you, Dr. Sam. Oh, how we miss you.


We had a wonderful time last night, enjoying fellowship in our home with our friend Dr. Sam from Ghana. He is such a dear man. It is obvious to all who are around him that he walks very closely with God. The Holy Spirit is clearly manifested in the way he talks and in the things he says. He hears from God. He speaks wisdom. He is absolutely fascinating to be with! So we sat last night around our dining room table soaking up what Dr. Sam had to say. I'm still processing most of it, so it will surely come out in my "blogging" at some point.

What I love about his testimony is that he wasn't always a Christian. He didn't accept Christ until well into his adult life. So he's gotten where he is spiritually in relatively few years, which really inspires me. I asked him last night when he began to really seek after and sense God's presence in his life, and when he began to actively listen for the Holy Spirit's "voice" for himself. He told the story of his 12 year old daughter, "W", who is a sweet friend of Bethany's.

When W was four years old, she came upon a dying chicken. This chicken was apparently lying on the ground, paralyzed, to the point of death. Dr. Sam (who is, in fact, a medical doctor) explained medically what had been wrong with the chicken. I'm not sure what he said, but the point was that it was clear this chicken was dying and that was that. Well, not for W. She went over to the chicken, laid her little four-year-old hands upon it and spoke healing for the chicken in Jesus' name. She claimed it, she believed for it. The matter was settled. Well, it was not long before that chicken was up and clucking around with the other chickens! That chicken had been healed! Dr. Sam said last night, "When I saw what the power of God would do for a chicken... I knew he would do that in my life too!"
Last night as Dr. Sam was leaving our house, Kyle showed him this picture that we have on our refrigerator. W drew this picture and sent to us earlier this year. I love that verse, and it is a reminder of our sweet Ghanaian friends each time I look at it. When Dr. Sam saw the picture his sweet daughter had drawn, he said "Ah, yes. There's that chicken!" Though I had heard the chicken story before, I had not made the connection. To me, the chicken represented the "feathers" and "wings" in the verse. But to the artist, it represented power!

Now I see that picture differently. I'm so glad I see the chicken! How often I'm a chicken. Not just a chicken, but one who can't move! If God can be called upon by a four-year-old to bring life to paralyzed poultry, He can certainly be trusted to infuse every area of my life with that same power, when called upon with believing boldness like that of a child.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss Cyndi. It sounds like he was a very special man!

Hen Jen said...

I am so sorry for the Christian world that we lost such a special brother. But, not sorry for him, how awesome to be in the Lord's presence!
thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Cyndi. Even though we know they are in a better place, there is always that sense of loss in the here and now.
That is a wonderful story - to have the faith of a child. I'm trying to do that. After all - we are His children and He is our perfect, loving Father.
Have a blessed day.

Chris @ Come to the Table said...

So sorry for the loss of such a sweet and Godly man.

Susanne said...

Sorry for the loss of your friend, Cyndi. Although you know where he is, his physical presence on earth in your lives will surely be missed. Nice that you had that special time with him a few months ago.

Jen and family said...

my prayers and thoughts are with at this sad time
jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com/

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Cyndi. He sounds like such an amazing man. Thank you for sharing the chicken story--how awesome He is!

Sandy said...

Cyndi, I am so sorry. I can tell that the world has lost a great man.

He seems young. Was he ill or have a heart problem?

I am so sorry for you, his family, and our world to have lost a good man.

Thank you for sharing.


Sonya said...

So sorry to hear about Dr. Sam. He sounds like a very interesting man. I would have liked to meet him. It's such a wonderful thing that you were able to spend time with him only a few months ago. That was a special gift from the Lord to your family!