Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School

I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day holiday, and that this finds you smack in the middle of a productive, joyous week! We returned home from my Grandmother's yesterday evening. (Here's a picture of my sweet cake that the kids decorated for me.) While my cute husband retrieved my cute weenie dog from the place where we board him, I unpacked here and began putting the final touches on my lesson plans for today. Today is our first day of school. Fun! I put together the ingredients for our special first-day-of-school breakfast (cinnamon streusel muffins and sausage balls.) I made the sausage balls last night so Luke could take some with him at dark:30 when he leaves for work.

We woke up in the middle of the night (on the futon upstairs where we are still sleeping until we get a new a/c unit downstairs. Such an adventure...) when we heard our power go off. We like to sleep with a fan going, so we heard that stop and something beep downstairs. Once the fans were off we could hear the hamster in Kyle's room running on her wheel for the rest of the night. Not as peaceful as a fan, ha ha! It has been storming off and on since about 2:30 am, and our power was out for about 2 and a half hours. I used our French press to make coffee by candlelight, thankful that we have a gas stove so I could heat the water. The power came on just in time to heat a few sausage balls up for Luke and send him off with some strong, boiling hot coffee, out into the sideways-blowing rain to leave for work. Oh, how I prayed for his safety as I watched him get into his truck.

The power has been flickering a bit since, but not going out completely. I realized how dependent I am on electricity and technology! I had to hop on my laptop while the power was on and print off our lesson plans for today! (Well, now that I think of it, my battery would last long enough for them to copy their assignments into their agendas... I can stop panicking now.) And of course, blog. (I'm posting first-day-of-school pics and "stuff" on my homeschool blog, if you're interested.)

Since we have electricity for the moment, I quickly just put our muffins in the oven. The kids will wake up soon and we will start our day enjoying breakfast and Bible reading before they start their assignments. My mom-the-best-music-teacher-in-the-world is stopping by later to give them a music lesson, too. Fun! Music class is always one of the most fun classes! And if it's your fun "Gram" teaching it, all the better!

I'm so glad you stopped by today! I'm taking a blog-reading break later during my "conference period." I can't wait to see what you've been up to while I was gone! I just love my bloggy friends!


Deidre said...

Cyndi, you are such an inspiration to me. I, for years, have had a desire to wake early and have my quiet time, but rarely did it. I have done so for 2 whole weeks now and I LOVE it. I can tell such a difference in my attitude and my children's attitude. I can spend time with Jesus, prepare breakfast for them LONG before it's time to get dressed for school. I love this time.

Thanks for sharing your 'routine' with us. You inspire all of us to draw closer to our Savior!

Susanne said...

First I agree with Deidre's comment above.

What an "interesting" way to start the first day. ;v)

Kim said...

Happy first day of school. This is our second full day of school. And, I must say, your breakfast sounds much better than ours. Although I have been good about the rest of the household items, including dinner.

Isn't it great to wake up and desire to spend time with God?
Blessings, Kim

Linda said...

I pray you will have a blessed school year Cyndi. You are getting off to a very exciting start.
I love it that you are all so musical. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get back to the piano. It is such slooow going at this age :-) What does your Mom teach? Do you still play an instrument? I wish the Lord would just sort of zap me into being a proficient pianist like your mom. He just doesn't seem to think that would be a good idea for me!!
Have a blessed week.

lori said...

I have really enjoyed both blogs...I too rise early, there is so much peace in those morning hours...
We too do a bible study first thing and it IS a blessing for for the tone for the rest of the day!
Prayers for a wonderful year...
It sure sounds like you are all blessed to be in this together...just as God would have it!!