Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Most Thirsty Plant

As I was making the rounds, watering my plants, I came upon this little guy. He looks sort of okay today, but in the past I have found him brown-leafed, dry, drooping... sad. If I were to post pictures of all of the (many) other plants in my house you would see that compared to them, he's not lookin' too good. The other plants in the house are green, glossy, and thriving... but not this one. Of course, there's only one explanation- neglect! You can see that it lives next to a window, so it gets plenty of light, so obviously it just needs to be watered more often. The saddest part is that this particular plant lives on the ledge by my bathtub. Poor thing! He's the thirstiest one in the house, and he lives the closest to a water source! Well, I could reason that when I'm in my bathroom in the mornings, I'm too busy getting ready to go about my day to reach over and water it. At night, when I draw my bath, I am so tired from a long day that I simply don't notice him sitting there. Can I be blamed? Besides, the plants that everyone else sees all over the house look great, so does it really matter? No one hangs out in my bathroom. Every couple of days I fill up my watering can and travel all over the house watering plants on tables, shelves, window sills, entry ways and porches, so often forgetting that poor little guy back in my bathroom. Night after night he gets drier and drier, all the while listening to water as it flows from sink faucets nearby and fills the tub just a couple of feet away... Now, I know I'm being dramatic (and might need to lay off of the plant personification) but it has made me really think about those around me who are so thirsty for the Living Water.

I believe God is really doing a work today, drawing more and more average folks like us into foreign missions. Our family has been forever changed by our work abroad, and are actively praying about our next trip. It was amazing this summer to see literally hundreds of people commissioned from our church alone to go all over the world. I have loved the reports from my friends, including my sweet daughter, who have gone this summer to take the Word to places where it is not being preached, where it has not been heard, where people are so... thirsty. But what about those who live so close to the bathtub? I can't forget them. Maybe I'm too tired, busy, or distracted... but there they sit. Just like my plant on the ledge, they can "hear the water" as they channel surf on their radio and tv stations, perhaps hearing snippets of sermons. Maybe they overhear conversations about faith at soccer games or dinner parties or see "messages from God" on billboards but do they know it's for them? Has it been taken to them? Or do I just expect them to find it because, well, this is the Bible Belt. How can you miss it? Do I just give them a splash every once in awhile when I happen to think about it (like my poor plant) or am I deliberately, regularly, purposefully carrying Living Water to them like I do to those around the world? As Luke and I actively prepare and strategize for our local Awana year, getting it ready for those who will come, am I as ambitious about taking its message- the gospel of Christ- to those in this community who may never come to Awana?

Jesus, may I drink so deeply of You and be so filled with your Holy Spirit that I am well-nourished, flourishing like a tree planted by water. If I am not, then cause me to thirst. Let nothing else satisfy. May streams of living water so flow through me that those I encounter will be refreshed and be directed to the well where they may be made new, to drink deeply themselves. When You prepared my good works in advance, You planned for me to live here in this location and in this generation. Help me to be as purposeful and deliberate as I live my days here. May you, my Savior, be my Water Source and may my food always be to do the the will of the my Heavenly Father. Amen.


Susanne said...

What a beautiful prayer. What a great reminder! I prayed your prayer this's just what I needed. Thanks for the post! God bless!

Sarah said...

What a great post. In recent months, I have been feeling a new level of zeal for sharing the "Living Water" with those who are thirsty. I am still growing in it, but it was great to read this encouragement. Thanks!