Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Treadmill Dancing

I realize why the video I posted below appeals to me so much... It's what I've been doing lately! And it's why I haven't been in blog-land for the past (almost) week. I've got the ever-turning Mom-treadmill going, the Homeschooler one is gathering speed, the Awana Secretary one is going full-tilt, the Field Trip treadmill was cranked up yesterday, the Phone treadmill beeps at me periodically... I'm dancing from treadmill to treadmill in a well-choreographed, fun, busy (and sometimes dizzying) pace. I'll bet you are, too! I watch my friends doing the same thing. Periodically, one of us will say to the other, "I just don't know how you do it all!" A friend emailed me that exact sentence on Monday. I said it to my author-church planter-friend Mary last week. I thought it as I watched the goofy treadmill guys.

But, what I love is that each of my treadmills was put there by my Personal Trainer. He knows the workout I need. He is directing each step, if I'll pay attention to His choreography. He is helping me learn my routine. As long as I can listen for His voice, soak in His encouragement, stay in step with His 8-count, quench my thirst with the Living Water, and rest when He tells me to, it will all continue to hum along as it should and I won't fall and go shooting off the end of one of those treadmills. The great thing is, even if I do, He'll catch me!

Ok, GO!

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