Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday Update

Well, if I'm going to go on posting this infrequently, I might need to change my blog name to "One Week More" or "One Month More" won't I?

Happy Friday!

It's been a fun, busy week at our house. Have you ever had that feeling that God is up to something big? Enough to make your "tummy tickle" and make you feel a rush of adrenaline? There have been three distinct times in my life when I've had that feeling, and all three of those times He has, in fact, been up to something big. (I'm finding out, of course, that He always is, and the degree to which I "feel it" is the degree to which I'm on board, LOL)

Well, I've got that feeling again. He is definitely at work in our family, bringing about some exciting changes, all of which are "post-worthy" but are still in the works so... not yet. ;) One change that we learned last week is that we will be welcoming a new niece or nephew next spring! Our extended family is just the most fun, and welcomes new little ones with such joy, this new little bundle is so blessed that God hand-picked this wonderful crew as his or her earthly family, and Amy and Randy as parents. S/he has NO idea how blessed s/he will be, but his or her Aunt Cyndi will gladly tell him/her. (Okay, these slash marks just have to go... Amy, please find out what s/he is at your earliest opportunity, 'kay?) :)

I sat down to post this morning with nothing- and everything- on my mind. As I type I have no idea what will make it onto the screen and get posted, but I felt like posting anyway. So, if you're blog-hopping in search of some well-written, cohesive, Deep and Meaningful posts... this ain't one. This is your opportunity to keep on hoppin' and come back on another day. Which I'm not sure when that will be. (Deep and Meaningful just seem to "come upon" me and can't necessarily be planned for!)



For those of you still reading, bless your heart. You've hung on for my ramble! Thank you! Let's see, what we've been up to this week:

Monday I received a phone call that my dear aunt and uncle from South Carolina were in town visiting my parents. I had forgotten that this was when they were coming, so this was a nice surprise! (I wake up! In a new world! Every day! So lots of things! Come as a fun! Surprise to me!) We went over and had wonderful burgers that my dad cooked out and visited with them. Uncle Jerry and Aunt Lois are a HUGE part of who I am. They always lived in another state, so I didn't get to see them often, but when I did, they had such an impact. I even went and spent time with them in the summers during high school. Aunt Lois always put me to work in the kitchen, mowing the lawn, or picking peaches (good for her!) but then she always took time to take me to great sales and outlets (good for me!). There was never a time when I was growing up that I felt pretty, but after I would get ready each morning and come down the hall, Uncle Jerry would sing "There She Is... Miss America" to me. And for just that moment, I would believe him. Such a sweet memory! They love, love, love my kids too and that just blesses me so much. SO, it was a great visit Monday.

Wednesday evening we had just the most fun theme party ever, with our above-mentioned extended family. My daughter and her cousin have birthdays 5 days apart (they are a year apart in age) so for the past few years we have been combining parties for them into one BIG family party. It started a few years ago with a 50's party, then the 60's... Last year I posted pictures of our 70's party. Well, this year, it was back to the 80's! It was fun and scary at the same time! Fun because it was, well, fun. Scary because getting my hair back to its 80's height came all too naturally for me. Yep, scary! I didn't have any 80's -looking clothes (thank goodness, really) and didn't take the time to go to thrift stores and put together Desperately-Seeking-Susan -esque attire like my fun sisters-in-law did, so I did the only thing I knew to do... I sent my cute husband to the attic. He came down with our old suitcase full of our fraternity and sorority shirts. Oh, MY. The 80's came right down into our dining room when we opened that up! So, we sported our greek letters and I used a can of hairspray on my hair and we looked just exactly ::cough::: like we did in 1987.

Two decades and two kids later... here we are! I didn't get many good pictures of the rest of the family, but as soon as I can snag them off of one of my sil's Myspaces, I'll share some. What fun! It's hard to believe I can't remember all of the "Thriller" dance anymore. I was so disappointed in myself... But I'm convinced if I could purge my brain of some of those 80's lyrics I could memorize more scripture. Or at least remember where my car keys are.

Speaking of hard to believe, here are the birthday girls at age 13 and 14!

Time marches (or moonwalks) on, doesn't it? Well, it's been a great week here, and I hope you've had a good one as well. I guess I better get on with this day and see what it holds. Thanks so much for stopping by today and getting caught up with us!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Deidre said...

OH, how much fun that would be to have an 80's themed party. I must admit, I probably still have appropriate clothes I could dig out. I loved your rambling, Cyndi - sometimes they are the best kind of posts.

Mindy said...

So funny.
I **LOVE** Theme parties.
And I loved the 1987 picture of you and your hubby. HOW sweet!
Glad to hear God is doing big things in your life. Will be praying for you all!

Alex said...

I always enjoy reading your posts, and your 80's party does sound so much fun!

Alex in Canada

Tricia said...

I woke up this morning with a sense of excited urgency about our house situation. Then,my mom called this morning and said she had an overwhelming feeling that a huge blessing was headed our way. Next, I hop on your blog and you're talking about that "feeling!" Wow! Somethin's cookin'!

Susanne said...

My KISA has a KA shirt EXACTLY like the one your hubs is wearing!! How funny!! (We were a decade behind y'all in college, but it still made me feel pretty old!) I loved the fact that you guys have had "decade" parties over the last several years. TOO COOL!!

Hen Jen said...

great post, the rambling ones are the most fun I think. Your aunt and uncle sound wonderful, lucky you to have them. I am laughing over the 80's party and pics...oh the memories and fashion mistakes, and the big hair!!! Looking forward to hearing what other exciting things the Lord has in store for you.

M said...

hey there - that sounds like so much fun! Thanks for teh comments on my blog about Karina's room - I will post more pics - I am almost finished with walls - I am gluing gold rope on the lines, so it's taking me longer than I thought it would.
Take Care

Susanne said...

What fun memories created! Love the pictures too!

How exciting for a new niece/nephew. Babies always are a joy.

Looking forward to hearing what God will be doing in your family.

Anonymous said...

Yep - I can remember the 80's! I enjoyed reading your post!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Wendy said...

That sounds like so much fun!