Sometimes I don't even know what to pray, but I know that if I pray God's words back to Him they will not come back void. There are many excellent resources and prayer books written to be used as a tool to help you regularly pray scripture. But, a few years ago I saw an idea that I have incorporated into my prayer life that has been such a blessing for me: making a prayer Bible.
I designated one of my Bibles to be my "prayer Bible." It has become a tool, a cherished posession, a work-in-progress, and a lifeline for me. It's the one Bible I would grab if the house caught fire! But since it's marked with personal notes and crammed with post-it tabs and sticky notes, I don't carry it to church (because I never know what would fall out!)
I began by marking with Post-it sticky tabs all of the documented prayers in the Bible. (All of them.) I did this by marking them in my prayer Bible as I came across them in my through-the-year Bible. (So it took me a year!) Each time I would come across a passage where someone was calling out directly to God, I would highlight it in my prayer Bible and tab that page with their name. These are prayers that God felt were important enough to have included in the Bible, and they are prayers that were powerful and effective. I often find myself in similar circumstances and love praying what some of the saints before me have prayed, along with praising Him for how He moved in their circumstances and thanking Him in advance for how He'll move in mine.
I have also begun writing my own scripture prayers on large post-it notes and sticking them on the page with the verses. I write the names of those for whom I am praying specific scriptures beside the scripture I'm praying for them (along with the date.)
I have also written the Hebrew and Greek names of God, along with their meanings, beside the corresponding passages, because sometimes all I can do is call His name.
I mark in all my Bibles, but this is one that is almost like a journal for me. I love looking back at scriptures I have prayed in the past, and remembering God's faithfulness to me and most of all to His Word. This Bible, with its tear stained, coffee-stained, wrinkled, and marked-up pages... works for me!
To read more of what works for others, visit Rocks In My Dryer. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Sounds like a fantastic idea. I'll have to think about doing something like this.
I have used verses like Col. 1:9-14 and Phil. 1:9-11 as well as some of the Psalms in prayer, but haven't made as extensive a study as you have. I so agree that one way we know we are praying according to God's will is to use Scriptural prayers as guidelines.
You might be interested in this book: Praying the Entire Bible for my Family by Joe and Jocelyn Zichterman. (http://www.keepinghearts.org/products_praying.htm)
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
Oh this is awesome. I go through the Bible each year so this would be an excellent addition. Plus I hae plenty of Bibles sitting around (one in each room so I can grab one quick.) I will defeniitely pray about this one.
Great idea! Happy Holidays =)
What a wonderful idea Cyndi. A couple of years ago I read Beth Moore's book, "Praying God's Word". It really changed my prayer life. I think this is another step to make it even more meaningful. Thanks so much for sharing your heart.
Have a blessed day.
Thanks for the great post!
This is such a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing it and providing so many details. I can't wait to get started tomorrow.
Blessings from The Laundry Procrastinator
I love this idea! I have different bibles for different things but never thought of a prayer bible. Thanks so much for the great idea!
Love this idea. Thanks for sharing it! :o)
This is an awesome idea. I have never thought of this. May I ask what kind of bible this is. I love the study notes on the side and the nice print. I have been looking for something like this but there are so many bibles out there I am having a hard time.
God bless!!
Betty Jo,
I couldn't find a way to comment on your blog, sorry! The Bible I use for this is the Fruit of the Spirit Bible, with notes from Calvin Miller. I chose it because it was a gift from some friends when my grandmother died, and because it wasn't the primary Bible I took to church. One that I would use now if I were starting over (or didn't already have that one) is one that just has one column of text, like the Women of Faith study Bible, or another one with large margins on the sides. (There is a Bible that is made just for that, my husband has one, but I can't think of which one it is specifically at the moment.) Thanks for finding me, and enjoy setting up your prayer Bible! I hope you are blessed. :)
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