"If I'd abandon all that seeks to make my faith informed and chic, could You, would You, show Yourself to me?"
~ Nichole Nordeman~
Last spring I was on a mission. A new Bible study had come out, and I wanted it. I had my heart set on it. My "mission" was to actually find it. It had sold out at every store I went to. It seems that women's Bible study groups all over the tri-county area had reserved large quantities of them, so when they came in they were already spoken for or were gone by the time I got there. But...but... I wanted it! So, I drove around. I called. I waited a few days. I called and drove around some more. ( I could've ordered it online, I suppose, but then there's the whole "thrill-of-the-hunt" rush that comes from actually going to find it.)
For the umpteenth time (it seemed) I went to a Christian bookstore looking for this particular study, when my not-thrilled-with-shopping-son finally asked me, "What is it we're looking for?" I replied, "A Bible study I want, son." He paused for a few moments, then looked me right in the eye and asked, "Can't you just, you know, study the Bible?"
I stood there, without my fun, hip, new study, and without an answer. As we left the store ,empty-handed, to go buy a Slurpee, I thought about what he had said. I knew he was speaking from the point of view of a ten year old boy who was simply tired of shopping, but he had a point. So often I feel like I need to have a "Bible study," or be "in" a study. And, goodness knows I can look back at my BSF years, my time in Precepts, and the Beth Moore studies I've done and remember some profound things I learned from some truly gifted teachers. (Not to mention what I've gleaned from the seminarians who are beamed into my iPod each week...) I've been "informed" by some of the best! But my deepest, most embedded truths from God's Word are what He has taught me when I "just" study the Bible. When I have prepared my heart in prayer, come clean before Him, humbly gotten up from my knees and have searched the Scriptures for myself. There are days when certain passages seem to just leap off of the page! I ask Him out loud at times, "Was this always here??"
Yes, I finally got my trendy, new ("chic") study. Yes, it was wonderful. But I haven't forgotten what my wise son said. God has a Word for me, from Himself. He is more than willing through His Word and through His indwelling Holy Spirit to "show Himself" to me. Though it's certainly enriching, I don't have to depend on what He's shown to others. I am still somewhat of a Bible study junkie, and at times I need the accountability that a group study affords.
But mostly I just, you know, study the Bible.
To read more "In Other Words" participants, visit Christine at Fruit in Season. Thanks for hosting us, Christine!
OH, this is soooo good!
Oh, you took the words out of my mouth. I have lead numerous Bible studies, have done on-line studies, had the latest study on my table...This past year I have just read my Bible--and asked God the same questions "Was this always here?"...Cyndi, you truly have spoken from my heart--much better than I could have ever put it.
Blessings to your day and always.
This is so well said! Along the lines of where I was thinking this week, but better articulated. Thank you!
Wow, what a great story to illustrate the quote! I love your post.
This is so true, many times I get wrapped up in the wonderful bible studies (which are important!). But just to sit and read God's word and have him speak quietly to you, is something awesome!
I laughed out loud reading this post! I can totally relate to all of it. Don't you love how kids can sometimes just simply state the obvious? Thanks for sharing this.
Okay, this has nothing to do with a Bible study, but everything to do with things our children teach us. The other day my hubby was telling our ten year old son that we were going out on a date and he was going to a friend's house to play. Our son replied, "but, Dad, why are you taking Mom on a date? You're already married!"
I agree and sometimes when we put too much emphasis on certain teachers,we can miss the purity of God's word.
This is so chock full of wisdom Cyndi. I can remember a time in the early years of my marriage when I read every Christian book on marriage I could get my hands on. I did Bible Studies, I listened to radio programs. I got to the place where I began to feel an overwhelming sense of discouragement because I didn't measure up to the women in all those books. I felt so accountable to all I was learning and like such a failure when I didn't live it all out.
At one point I finally decided to do what your wise son said. I decided to let the Lord teach me in His way what He wanted me to learn. I thought, "If He can give wisdom to all those other people, surely He can give wisdom to me."
I found His way so much gentler. Little by little I learned - am still learning.
I do like the accountability of a Bible Study, but I think (as you said so well) it is those quiet moments with the Lord that minister the most.
Thanks Cyndi. This post blesses.
This was great, really one of my favorite posts. So much truth--our kids can really break it down for us sometimes, can't they?
Very well said, thank you.
That is so simple, but very wise.
Ahh, from the mouths of babes...great post!
I love it! Don't you wish we could all have this much excitement about the bible at our churches?
Children are so wonderful and so honest!
Loved your thoughts on the quote, thanks for sharing. :)
Wow-was God speaking through your son...soemtimes kids say the most profound things without knowing what they are saying. You do have me curious as to what Bible study led you on such a quest :)
Out of the mouths of babes, right? :)
Cyndi, what a terrific blog you have. I'll be back often!
Your son was wise beyond his years in that statement!
Thank you! This was wonderful. It's one of those read-agains!
Have a blessed weekend!
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